❝गुरु गोविंद दोनों खड़े किनको लागु पाय!!! बलि हारी गुरु आप की गोविन्द दियो बताय... गुरु पूर्णिमा की हार्दिक शुभकामनाएं❞
Category : Child Education
By : User image KS Team
04 Feb 19
12 Months in a Year - 12 महीने साल के

12 Months in a Year - 12 महीने साल के

How many months in a year ? One calendar year contains 12 months.

Each months have different days 28, 29, 30 or 31. There is some logic behind this number. Total number of days in year is vary fro 365 to 366.

A year which have 366 days is called leap here. Leap year have 29 days in February month. How we calculate leap year ? If year is complete divisible by 4 or 100 ( means reminder is equal to zero ) that year is called Leap year and have 366 days in year. Rest all of year are common year with 365 days. Also leap year comes on every 4 years and each century.

Example -

1994 is leap year ? 1992/4 = 448 with reminder 0 means this year is leap year

1993/4 = 448 with 1 reminder so it is not a leap year

1900 - it is century so in this situation it is leap year even if any century may not be divisible by 4

S. No. English Name Rommon English Hindi Name Days
1 January janvri जनवरी 31
2 February farvari फरवरी 28 or 29 (leap year )
3 March march मार्च 31
4 April aprela अप्रैल 30
5 May may मई 31
6 June jun जून 30
7 July julay जुलाई 31
8 August agast अगस्त 31
9 September sitambar सितंबर 30
10 Octobor aktubar अक्टूबर 31
11 November nvambar नवंबर 30
12 December disambar दिसंबर 31

This post answering follwoing question -

How many days in year ?

How many monts in year ?

Days in month ?

How we calculate leap year ?

What is Lear year ?

How to calculate leap year ?


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