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Category : General
By : User image KS Team
11 Apr 21

List all countries from we can call by 112 from phone ?


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By : Ks Team

We can call for urgent assistance in the 28 member states of the European Union through the emergency number 112.

Below are member states are:

  1. Belgium,
  2. Bulgaria,
  3. Croatia,
  4. Cyprus,
  5. Denmark,
  6. Germany,
  7. Estonia,
  8. Finland,
  9. France,
  10. Greece,
  11. Hungary,
  12. Ireland,
  13. Italy,
  14. Latvia,
  15. Lithuania,
  16. Luxemburg,
  17. Malta,
  18. the Netherlands,
  19. Austria,
  20. Poland,
  21. Portugal,
  22. Romania,
  23. Slovenia,
  24. Slovakia,
  25. Spain,
  26. the Czech Republic,
  27. the United Kingdom and
  28. Sweden.

In the following countries the emergency number 112 is active as well:

  1. Israel,
  2. Norway,
  3. Russia,
  4. Turkey, and
  5. Switzerland.
Some are examples when you CAN:
  • When a building, forest or car is on fire or when there is smoke coming out of a building.
  • People who are stuck or trapped and need to be evacuated from a run-down house or a car.
  • In case of a serious accident with wounded persons.
  • When someone tries to steal or damage a car.
  • When you are the victim or witness of an aggression or fight.
  • When you see someone break into a house or notice that someone is trying to break into your house.
  • When you witness a suicide attempt.
  • When you or someone in your surroundings is unconscious, doesn't stop bleeding or is suffocating.
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