Indian culture | Oldest culture of world | Country of Unity in Diversity
- India is my country.
- I am proud to be Indian.
- The culture of my country is the oldest culture in the world.
- It is call the mother of all the world's culture.
- Our culture…
My Favorite Game | Badminton Game
- My favorite game is badminton.
- Two people plays in this game.
- Basically it is outdoor game.
- We use the rackets and shuttlecock for playing this game.
- Badminton is played on rectangular court.
- The court is di…
GK Question answer in Hindi 6 | सामान्य ज्ञान हिन्दी में
- 1. "वंश भास्कर"के रचयिता कौन है ?
(अ) कबीर दास (ब) सूरदास (स) सूर्यमल्ल मिश्रण (द) अबुल फजल
- 2. कालीबंगा किस जिले में है ?
(अ) हनुमानगढ़ जिले (ब) गंगानगर (स) उदयपुर (द) पाली
- 3. "एक मुठ्ठी भ…
Rpsc exam question paper | Model paper | Test paper
- 1. स्कन्द गुप्त की हुण विजय का क्या महत्व है ?
(अ) सामाजिक एकता की प्रभुसत्ता (ब) भारत को संभावित विदेशी दासता से मुक्ति | (स) भारत देश अपनी प्रभुसत्ता को कायम करना | (द) भारत ने अपना वर्चस्व का…
Goverment Exams | RPSC 2nd & 3rd Grade Teacher Exam | Social Science | Test Paper | Model paper
Teacher exam test paper or model paper small set of questions and answers. Also this test paper useful in preparation for exams like TET, PTET, 2nd gra…