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Category : Bank
By : User image Rakesh
02 Oct 15

Good new now you can withdraw Rs 50 notes from bank ATMs

The Reserve Bank of India has directed all the banks to introduce Rs 50 notes in the ATM machines. Now bank does not refuse to provide less than 100 Rs note to the customer. 

RBI directed that, If ATM kept notes of Rs 500 then mostly should be notes Rs 100, just like that if ATM kept notes of Rs.100 then mostly should be notes of Rs 50.

According to sources, some banks have already started implementing this guideline of RBI.

State Bank of India ATM in Raipur has started vending out Rs 50 notes. In the coming days, all banks across the country will implement this.

What will be benefits to customer by allowing withdrawal of 50 Rupee note ?

1. The customers will be able to draw only the required money.

2. At certain limit problem of change will overcome.



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