Category : Education Anonymous   25 Jul, 17
Comments : 0   Views : 202

The 26 letters of the English alphabet  are so intelligently arranged.

They show you the way of life..

"B" e 
"C" ool.  
"D" on't  have
"E" go  with 
"F" riends  n Family.  
"G" iveup  
"H" urting 
"I" ndividuals.  
"J" ust 
"K" eep 
"L" oving 
"M" ankind.  
"N" ever 
"O" mit 
"P" rayers.  
"Q" uietly 
"R" emember 
"G" od.  
"S" peak 
"T" ruth
"U" se 
"V" alid 
"W" ords.  
"X" press 
"Y" our 

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